Multi-level marketing.
A business organization that is run with multi-level marketing strategy typically has 3 sources of income:
- The amount of money that each person have to pay in order to gain the membership status.
- The amount of money that memberships owners have to pay to be a distributor of their product
- The amount of money that they get from the sales of their product.
Most multi-level marketing companies will provide their members with some sort of 'Reward' if they managed to convert other people into purchasing memberships to organization. So, the more their members convert other people, the more wealthy that members will be. This will create a hierarchy like within an organization where the members who bring the most memberships place at the top of the hierarchy.
d. time period and b. internal factors
<span>In order to calculate the yield after taxes to compare it to a tax-exempt money market fund we will need to subtract the taxes from the yield. The yield is 0.03 and taxes on that are 0.28. If you multiply those two you get 0.0084. If you subtract this from 0.03 you get 0.0216 which is equal to 2.16%.</span>
D. its complements.
A complement is a good or service used in conjuncture with another good. Therefore, if there is a decrease in the demand for a particular good, its complements will also see a decrease in demand. By the general supply and demand rule, an increase in the price of a good causes a decline in its demand and, therefore, causes a decline in demand for its complements.