Answer: "podría traerme la cuenta porfavor?"
Wait which one do u need help on?
I suppose you need the translation, so here it goes:
Ana and Enrique (Henry) ask for some cold drinks. My mom serves us beans,rice and meat. Tina and Linda sleep in a hotel in Lima,Peru. My aunt's flowers die during the fall. You guys feel good because you help people.
Nosotros los mexicanos.
Maria es bonita.
La puerta esta abierta.
Las niñas estan en el centro comercial.
In english
We the Mexicans.
Maria is pretty.
The door is open.
The girls are in the mall.
La gorra.
It's the same as hat.
Los guantes means gloves.
El abrigo means coat.
La bufanda means scarf.
Las botas means boots.
La chaqueta means jacket.