We don't get a ton of
illustration of Egypt itself, or of the altars that the kids set up—but
there are plenty of illustrations of the kids performing rituals, or of
April in her fancy-shmancy get-up, fake eyelashes
Like the hieroglyphics that the kids in The Egypt Game
create, the drawings in the book add to the richness of the story. They
don't show everything—just enough to get the ball rolling and give the
readers a starting point for their imaginations to take off.
I hope this helps:)
I would say the Correct Answer for this question is : D. To get counseling related to her addiction. C. To get help with withdrawals. B. To get prescription medications that help her quit.
Line chosen from the poem is fair as a star has use of simile.
Four lines chosen from the poem are :
A violet from a mossy stone
half hidden from the eye!
Fair as a star, when only one
Is shining in the sky.
In the third line of this stanza, simile has been used because a comparison has been made in the poem using the word "as". This helps to understand the meaning that the poet is trying to make with more impact and gives them an example.
Sixteen plus eleven, subtracted from thirty five. Or thirty five minus the sum of sixteen and eleven.
Magnets help make electricity and they hold papers on the refrigerator.