Constantine was an awesome military officer winning real triumphs over many nations.
In a fight one glorious morning, Constantine was conclusively fruitful, and he found himself able to enter Rome on the following day. On entering Rome, Constantine set out on an extensive purposeful publicity crusade to legitimize his principle and depict himself as a deliverer over the despot Maxentius.
Constantine had the capacity unite his part, demonstrating his military predominance over his adversaries. In 313, he marked with Licinius the order of Milan. This authorized Christianity and permitted flexibility of love. This proclamation was frequently disregarded, yet it was still a critical minute with the rule of enduring Christianity acknowledged inside of the Roman domain.
The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "d. To keep peasants from escaping his kingdom." Shi Huangdi order the construction of the Great Wall in order to keep peasants from escaping his kingdom.<span>
The manor had four main areas: the manor house and accompanying village, farmland, meadowland, and wasteland. The lord of the manor lived in the manor house and the serfs lived in mud brick cottages that were all in the same area. The serfs' cottages were very small and only consisted of one room.