Im just gonna give a short paragraph you can go off of:
In this world there are many people who live in complete ignorance to the harsh truths of this world. They get to live happier, not knowing the real struggles people go through. While they get to spend their time and energy fighting for "their rights to not wear a mask" people are dying, staving, and fighting for their lives because of the extra stress we've been put under due to the pandemic. Though one might argue every single person is ignorant about some issues, the difference is some people actually want to change that. yes, being ignorant about the struggles black and brown people have to face makes ignoring the news a little easier. Not knowing about what lgbtq+ people have to go through makes going to church easier. But it only adds to these people suffering. Not doing anything, ignoring them, pretending its not happening, is just as bad as going out and being the reason its a problem.
No, leaving a section empty on your resume is more damaging than explaining that you don’t have much work experience
Plays a vital role.
There is a great role play by the sport in our life by enhancing the growth and development of individuals. Sports provides fitness as well as in the development of mental health of the body. Participation in sports and games, a person gains various skills, experience and confidence that are helpful for developing their personality as well as their future. In short, sports play a crucial role in the life of an individual.
It's this one-<span>Using transitions to connect events and experiences that the characters go through</span>
Answer, normal text will be plot, underlined will be setting, bold will be character:
<u>It was the middle of the morning when she stepped out into the beautiful kingdom of ice. The animals watched as the sun started to set. The forest all around them grew black with night.</u> The king was a proud and powerful man. Even though he was only as tall as a dandelion, he commanded the entire room’s attention. Kenneth entered the dark cave and defeated the dragon. Now that he’d protected the city, he could finally marry the princess. The young boy stood his ground as the large snake attempted to attack him. He stepped to the side and used his gleaming sword to frighten it away. The boy was about 12 years old. He’d never been outside his village, but he dreamed of seeing distant kingdoms and learning about the world.