The civilized, upper-class life of film producer Jean Casson is derailed by the German occupation of Paris, but Casson learns that with enough money, compromise, and connections, one need not deny oneself the pleasures of Parisian life. Somewhere inside Casson, though, is a stubborn romantic streak
A. During World War II, Hitler blamed Jewish people for Germany's problems and kept them in camps where they were likely to die or be killed.
C "His Final Solution was a plan to exterminate the entire Jewish population of Europe. As the Nazis invaded more countries, they captured and imprisoned Jews in concentration camps." ( Paragraph 7).
The central idea of this informational text is to show how Hitler blamed the Jews for the problems Germany was passing through and as a result, he was looking for a solution to exterminate them. The Jews became the scapegoat and a target of hatred. They were hated, maltreated and were suffered. As Hitler saw the Jewish people as the problem, he was all out to annihilate the Jews in all of Europe. His actions led to the Holocaust.
Learning From The Holocaust is an informational text written by Michael Signal.
Kakapan aown akwk a ss dnd d ne d dkmwia wow
This is an awful lot of points. Try 20 next time.
DNA manipulation will be responsible for
- black leaves on plants which directly change sunlight to energy.
- termites will be encourage to eat rust rather than wood.
- trees will produce liquid fuel.
- All of these would have economic consequences that would benefit the farmers that used them.
A. To persuade is to make someone believe in something.