Causa La Terra è abbastanza massiccia che l'attrazione della gravità mantiene la sua forma approssimativamente sferica. La maggior parte della sua deviazione dagli steli sferici deriva dalla forza centrifuga causata dalla rotazione attorno al suo asse nord-sud. Questa forza deforma la sfera in un ellissoide oblato.
B)wood,A renewable resource is a resource which is replaced naturally and can be used again. Examples are: oxygen, fresh water, solar energy, timber, and biomass. Renewable resources may also include goods commodities such as wood
Answer: Canada may be divided into seven physiographic regions: Arctic Lands, Cordillera, Interior Plains, Hudson Bay Lowland, Canadian Shield Forest Lands, St Lawrence Lowlands and Appalachia. Divisions are based on each area's relatively similar physical geography and landforms.
Geography can affect culture in all of the following ways except: Genetic composition. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
According to creation myth of the Abrahamic religions, the first man on Earth was Adam. Book of Genesis of the Hebrew Bible describes his life with first women on Earth, Eva, in Garden of Eden. The story about Adam and Eva is central in the belief of God creating human beings to live in paradise on Earth. T<span>hey later fell away from that state, which led to forming the present world full of suffering and injustice. The doctrine of the fall of man and original Sin is very important belief in Christianity, and it is not shared by Judaism or Islam.</span>