A car mechanic who is tuning the engine in the car for the first time.
a peacful and thanks for brainlist
A) 416=80+4x
B) 416=80+4x
Mr. Harrison can buy a maximum of 84 books for his new bookshelf.
The sergeant tells the King that the thane of Cawdor betrayed the country and tell him about Macbeth's bravery on the battlefield.
<span>full rhyme: a rhyme where the stressed vowels and all the following consonants and vowels are identical, but the consonants coming before the rhyming vowels are different (such as </span><span>chain, brain / soul, <span>pole)
slant rhyme: </span></span><span>a </span>rhyme<span> with the stressed syllables of ending consonants match, but the preceding vowel sounds don't match...the words have similar but not identical sounds. they are "imperfect rhymes" as you might say. (such as short, hurt / heaven, even, given)
meter: rhythmic structure of the verses in a poem</span><span>
breve: a curved mark over a vowel meaning it's too short...it could also mean a double whole note, if that's what you're asking for.