The first option (<span>He was casting quick, sideways glances in the direction the bus should be coming from, and his left foot beat a steady rhythm on the hot pavement) is the best because it directly gives examples of actions the man is doing. The other three examples are much more vague. They refer to his "actions and mannerisms", "behaviors", and appearance rather than specifically stating what those actions and behaviors are. If the author added the first sentence, which refers to specific motions of casting sideways glances and tapping his foot, the reader would be able to create a much more detailed image in their mind.</span>
Answer: so if you saw someone being bullied and you went over to stop it, why? That’s all just what makes you do something to take action Or make a decision
Answer: reflects situations found only in African culture<em />
The story <em>Marriage is a Private Affair, </em>is a story of two lovers from different tribe in Nigeria. Nene and Nnaemeka loved each other however Nnaemeka is from Ibo and in their culture he must marry a girl from Ibo chosen by his father. The tension between Okeke and Nnaemeka started when Nnaemeka refused to marry the girl his father chose for him.