Answer: In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and verb must both be singular or plural
There are plenty of ways but I would go with this:
¿Cuál es su número telefónico de la oficina ?
1. Pablo va a la consulta del medico
2. Pablo no esta bien por que no esta enfermo
3. Pablo necesita un examen físico
4. pablo tiene que abrir a boca por que el medico va a revisar su garganta
5. pablo se va al hospital
6. a visitar a su amigo Juan
7. a Juan le duele el cuerpo
8. a juan le gustan mucho las frutas
Personal questions:
( i am assuming these questions are for you to answer about yourself)
9. When do you go to the doctor?
10.what should you do when you have a cold?
11. what do you like to drink and eat when you have a cold?
12. do you prefer to be up? or rather be laying in bed?