The three different types of rock are :
1) Igneous 2)metamorphic and 3)sedimentary
Explained below:
Density-dependent factors are biological factors adopted by the population as a resource. The things can be like shelter, food, or different poor resources. Density-dependent factors affect fitful variations in the population as its density fluctuations. If the population is small, these portions typically support improved rates of birth and lower will be the death rates, empowering the population to increase and when the population is big and thick, these factors display that the birth rate is decreased and death rate became higher.
So option B (hybrids have lower fitness than either parent population) is the correct answer.
What is Reinforcement?
Reinforcement is a consequence used in behavioral psychology to strengthen an organism's future behavior when that activity is preceded by a specific antecedent stimulus. This strengthening impact can be quantified as a higher frequency of behavior, a longer duration of behavior, a greater volume of behavior, or a shorter latency.
To learn more about Reinforcement
Specialized cells are the cells though they are similar, but cells differ in size, shape and depending upon their function in body.
Example of specialized cells are: Blood cells, Nerve cells, Reproductive cells.
Tissues are made up of specialized cells, those tissues make up organs, organs make up system and systems make up bodies.
There is alternate splicing of the runner mRNA.