One of the biggest accomplishments of John Quincy Adams as Secretary of State (1817-1825) under the President James Monroe was to advise and help write the Monroe Doctrine (1823), a United States policy stating U.S. protection over the Western Hemisphere, warning European nations that any effort to take control over any of these independent states, would be seen as an unfriendly position toward the U.S.
The following year, John Quincy Adams served as the 6th President of America from 1825 through 1829.
When citizens are unhappy with a specificpiece of legislation they want removed or struck down, they can call a referendum, which puts the issue to a direct vote by the citizens.
Answer:The Real St. Patrick Was Born in Britain.There Were No Snakes Around for St. Patrick to Banish from IrelandLeprechauns Are Likely Based on Celtic FairiesThe Shamrock Was Considered a Sacred Plant.