Moliere, one of the most important dramatists in French history, has remained a relevant and well-regarded playwright for nearly 400 years. This collection of Moliere plays includes some of his most well-known works.
First, Wilson believed secret treaties needed to end. It... Woodrow Wilson proposed his plan for a peace treaty that would end World War I. His plan was called the Fourteen Points. Wilson believed the peace treaty should go easy on the defeated Central Powers.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no anexaste alguna referencia o contexto en específico. podemos comentar lo siguiente,
Los supuestos de carácter moral aplicables al campo laboral de los trabajadores es que estos trabajadores deben de mostrar una conducta ética intachable, un comportamiento ejemplar bajo los más altos valores morales como el respeto, la disciplina, la discreción, entre otros tantos.
Los trabajadores deben ser personas dignas de confianza y mostrar su agradecimiento por tener una fuente de empleo estable.
La mejor manera de hacerlo es a través de su comportamiento en el trabajo, las instalaciones de la empresa, y su comportamiento fuera del mismo ya que ellos son unos representantes de la imagen pública de la empresa donde laboran.
Los trabajadores deben ser discretos con lo que escuchan en el lugar de trabajo y no andarlo contando por afuera. Deben ser leales, no robar, no mentir, y guardar confidencialidad de los documentos, herramientas, software, e información que pertenece a la compañía.
The russians practiced communism where as the west (usa,britain,france) were anti communist. the us were capitalists , thus is would make sense that the ussr and the usa would clash eventually despite their pasts of helping eachother out. once russia clashed with the west it gave way to the cold war
Many of the English colonies in North America founded with practising its religion freely without any threat.
Religion played a significant role in the establishment of the English colonies in North America. The reasons for colonization linked to political, economic, and religion. Many colonies founded to support Britain like Jamestown and the Carolinas. Puritans and Pilgrims arrived in the late seventeenth century. Both religious group influenced by William Bradford and John Winthrop to lead their colonies (Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay) to greatness. The establishment of Plymouth was started by Separatists fleeing for Holland in 1608. Many religious like the Quakers and Puritans formed their colonies based on religious beliefs. They arrive in America to escape persecution in England. William Penn's colony (Pennsylvania) was known for the sheltering of Quakers.