The glycosidic bond can be broken by hydrolysis, which is the addition of the water molecule, to form two monosaccharides. Examples of Disaccharides: Lactose (sugar in milk) - 1 galactose + 1 glucose.
The theme of this poem is that a respectful distance between neighbours is the recipe for harmonious relationships: 'Good fences make good neighbors'. The theme of this poem is a farmer's pride in the wisdom passed down to him by his father: 'He will not go behind his father's saying'.
This pasage tells us that the narrator had been at the house before, and that it had been dear to him. He probably was used to looking at the reflection of the house of Usher on the watery surface of the tarn. The house now shows plenty of signs of decay, and by looking at its reflection, the narrator attempts to dispel the gloom that haa overtaken him and revive the feelings of the happier days when he used to visit his friend Usher in his youth.