Part 1 – Mastering Story Structure
Part 2 – Freytag's Pyramid
Part 3 – The Hero's Journey
What is the Hero’s Journey?
The 12 Steps of the Hero’s Journey
Free Infographic: The Hero’s Journey Template
Looking beyond the Hero’s Journey
Part 4 – Three-Act Structure
Part 5 – The Dan Harmon Story Circle
Part 6 – The Fichtean Curve
Part 7 – Save the Cat
Part 8 – The 7-Point Story Structure
Ever notice that many stories seem to have a similar pattern? There’s always a protagonist who goes on an adventure, makes new friends, encounters roadblocks, fights a bad guy, and returns home a changed person. In fact, we can sum it up for you in two words: Hero’s Journey.
I feel like testing is a necessary part of life. Although it is not enjoyable, it accurately measures how much knowledge we've retained from the lesson. Sadly everything has flaws. Even though testing is the most accurate way to measure things such as reading disabilities and testing anxiety. Testing is still a great and necessary thing.
It is an example of something that can be avoided through the power of memory.
Most of them...
I'm pretty sure in the Florida-ish area...