The answer A. This passage introduces the story’s antagonist.
James Baldwin (1841-1925) was an educator and prolific children’s book author who re-wrote many classic legends and myths for young readers. Myths and folktales can tell us a lot about how the world came to be and, even now, prompt us to ask ourselves questions about the world. Many cultures depend on mythology to express their values, histories, and systems of thought. Greek and Roman myths have been widely read in the West and translated into various different styles and genres: from sophisticated poetry to novel adaptations and even movies. In this myth, James Baldwin retells the tale of Jupiter and His Mighty Company in an accessible style. As you read, take note of some of the themes within the myth and how they might teach us lessons about the world we live in today.
Another answer:: They drove the Titans away because the Titans tried to kill the gods and their father, Kronos, ate Jupiter's older siblings, Jupiter is the youngest of Kronos's children.
Explanation: Is that what you want??
Answer: I think that jack hits piggy to assert dominance and show piggy that they are not at the same level.
Explanation: Jack is the type of guy that shows power by putting down the weak or the people in the lowest of the food chain. For example, Jack is rude to littleuns piggy, and also Ralph (because ralph is in the way of jake ruling).
Through the back of the store
The answer is their. Their is when something belongs to them.
They're: They are
There: Over THERE
Their: belongs to someone
Answer is D