As the chief executive of our nation, I respectfully suggest that you unwittingly crush the spirit of freedom in Negroes by constantly urging forbearance and give hope to those pro-segregation leader › res...PDF
Letter from Jackie Robinson on Civil Rights.
The main reason that Jackie Robinson has to write his letter to President Eisenhower is that he hopes that the president will take immediate action to curb segregation laws at the federal level.
17 million Negroes cannot do as you suggest and wait for the hearts of men to change. We want to enjoy now the rights that we feel we are entitled to as Americans. This we cannot do unless we pursue aggressively goals which all other Americans achieved over 150 years ago.
As the chief executive of our nation, I respectfully suggest that you unwittingly crush the spirit of freedom in Negroes by constantly urging forbearance and give hope to those pro-segregation leaders like Governor Faubus who would take from us even those freedoms we now enjoy. Your own experience with Governor Faubus is proof enough that forbearance and not eventual integration is the goal the pro-segregation leaders seek.
In my view, an unequivocal statement backed up by action such as you demonstrated you could take last fall in dealing with Governor Faubus if it became necessary, would let it be known that America is determined to provide—in the near future—for Negroes—the freedoms we are entitled to under the constitution.
the black codes
The end of the Civil War marked the end of slavery for 4 million black Southerners. the war left them landless and with little money to support themselves. White Southerners, seeking to control the freedmen (former slaves), devised special state law codes. Many Northerners saw these codes as blatant attempts to restore slavery.
To live in Quebec is to become accustomed to daily reminders that French in the Canadian province is the most regulated language in the world. Try, as I did recently, to shop at Anthropologie online and you’ll come up empty-handed.
Great Society was a failure.
(It is a great idea to help poor people. There will always be poor people. No matter what you do.)
Also too much money was being dumped in Vietnam, and Johnson was not paying attention. Should have maybe pulled troops out of Vietnam then started his Communist ideas.
Sorry maybe a bit too rough. But they were. Some people will work harder then others, why should they not get paid more for what they do?
Based on the excerpt given above, the goal of John Winthrop is to MAKE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY AN EXAMPLE OF CHRISTIAN LIVING.
John is talking about the need for Christians to be role models in their societies and to be the standard by which others measure themselves.<span />