O’Brien has been at war for only four days when the platoon is fired on by a village near the South China Sea. Cross orders an air strike and the platoon watches the village burn. Dave Jensen pokes fun at a dead old man whose right arm has been blown off and encourages O’Brien to do the same, to “show a little respect for your elders.” O’Brien refuses, and Kiowa tells him he’s done the right thing. He asks if the old man was O’Brien’s first experience with a dead body, and O’Brien says no, thinking of his first date, Linda.
Answer: Imagination (eikasia) , Belief (Pistis), Intellect (dianoia) and reason (noesis)
you're welcome :)
since flowers can't actually reach to the sky it means that the flowers were growing very tall
Answer: true
stimulus that begins from outside the organism.