I am confident that the answer should be.....<span>A protein acts as a pump and moves calcium ions from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration.
Hope this helps.
TritionalshiftsofEscherichiacoliB/rtorichermediahavebeenanalyzedinsynchronouslygrowingandexponential-phasepopulations.Earlyperturbationsinthetimingofcelldivisionwereobserved.Attheslowgrowth,divisionpro-gressedatarateequaltoorlessthanthepreshiftrateforabout1h.Atintermediategrowth,bothdelaysandaccelerationindivisionwereobserved.Theextentoftheperturbationdependedupontheageofthecellsatthetimeoftheshiftandthecompositionofthepreshiftandpostshiftmedia.TheperturbationwasdifferentinthetwosubstrainsofE.coliB/r I got this from http://jb.asm.org/content/136/2/631.full.pdf hopefully it helps you
The correct scientific name for Organism 1 is <em>Phoebis philea</em>.
The species of butterfly scientifically named as <em>Phoebis philea </em>and commonly named as orange-barred sulfur, basically found in Americas. Its scientific classification involve following points: Kingdom is Animalia; Phylum is Arthropoda; Class is Insecta; Order is Lepidoptera; Family is Pieridae; Genus is Phoebis and Species is P. philea.
The environment of this species is in tropical scrub, parks, fields and edges of the forest. The creature takes nectar from plants of red colour. The larvae depend on the species Cassia. Wingspan is between 68 and 80 mm. In Florida there are 2-3 generations a year, and one in the northern region of the range with winged adults from mid to late summer.