Hoover's response to the Great Depression was the Smoot-Hawley tariff which rose tariffs on over 20,000 products. This measure led to retaliation from foreign countries especially from Europe and they rose their own tariffs on their American imports, the American economy was hit back and it explains why Hoover's policy failed.
Hoover was nicknamed "Do nothing" by the Democrats, they blamed him for sticking to Laissez faire economics, but this accusation was wrong as he pushed for more state intervention which eventually failed.
The Americans won the battle of Trenton
Like Italy, Germany had quite a few serious issues to resolve once unification took place. Regional differences, developing since the first settlement of the Germanic tribes during the Roman Empire, were distinct, and local princes refused to give up substantial power to the central government. The Berlin assembly, therefore, was kept weak. Germany, like the United States under the Articles of the Confederation, seemed merely a loose of confederation of autonomous states. In Germany's case, one state, Prussia, was absolutely dominant due to its size, power, and military strength. This, combined with Bismarck's skillful conduct in international and national affairs as chancellor, kept the empire together until 1914.