What is meant by the question is Safe Harbor, which is:
<em>Require employees to become certified sellers/servers providing "Safe Harbor" for the permit recipient.
Further explanation
What is "Safe Harbor"?
If an employee sells or serves alcoholic drinks to non-private club members, minors or drunk people, the employee's actions cannot be attributed to the employer if:
- the employer requires its employees to attend the seller's training program approved by the commission
- employees actually attend such training programs, and
- the employer does not directly or indirectly encourage employees to violate these laws
What does this mean?
Require employees to become certified sellers/servers to provide "safe ports" for the permit recipient. If all employees are certified sellers/servers, the alcoholic beverage license permit may be protected from fines, suspensions or cancellations.
Other benefits may include:
- reduce the cost of liability insurance
- more knowledgeable and responsible employees
- become a more responsible member of your community
The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) is a state agency in the United States that regulates all phases of the alcoholic beverage industry in Texas. The duties of the commission include regulating sales, taxation, importation, manufacturing, transportation, and advertising of alcoholic drinks.
TABC collects more than $ 300 million per year in taxes and fees, which helps finance state public schools, local governments, research, human services, and other areas where the state government provides services for all Texans.
Learn More
Safe Harbor brainly.com/question/4316039
TABC brainly.com/question/9993248
Class: Middle School
Subjects: English
Keyword: Safe Harbor, TABC, Employees