The Founding Fathers tried to create republicanism, when they divided powers between the judicial, legislative and executive branches. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option. Checks and balances is also very close to being the answer to this question.
Answer:it’s C
Explanation:all where fought in 1900s on Spanish American war was in late 1800s
Hope this helps
The original computer similar to today's contemporary machineries
was the Analytical Engine, a device imagined and deliberated by British
mathematician Charles Babbage in the middle of 1833 and 1871. Charles
Babbage, deliberated as the "father of the computer". He is an English
polymath and mechanical engineer, invented the idea of a programmable computer.
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Answer: B is correct.
Explanation: there were many who wanted to follow isolationism arguing that the war was problem of Europeans, there were also those (many Americans were of European origin with their roots in different corners of the Old continent). Situation changed and USA (country of European origin and roots) entered the war and continued engaged in (especially) European security policy.