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Federal judges are nominated by the president of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. There are multiple steps to the process: The president nominates an individual for a judicial seat. The nominee fills out a questionnaire and is reviewed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The Olive Branch Petition was a message that was sent to King George III sent by the Second Continental Congress to assure the king of their loyalty to him and to Great Britain but made it clear that their rights as Americans shall be free.
Bien, entonces, ¿cuál es la pregunta?
British English and American English are examples of two English dialects spoken in the world today. An example of this is that the British call the 'hood' of a car a 'bonnet', while Americans call it 'hood.'
During the Vietnam War, many young men in the United States were being drafted into the military to fight in the war. The minimum age for men to join the armed forces was 18 years old, but the voting age was 21.
And so, a debate that was started after World War II, intensified during the Vietnam War as more young men were being forced to fight in a war they didn't agree with, yet denied the right to vote to make change in their country.
Today, the 26th Amendment prohibits the state and/or federal government to deny the right to vote in elections due to age, for anyone over 18. All citizens over 18 can vote in federal and state elections without the fear of being barred from the poll booths.