In "if" the title of Kipling's poem is an example of repetition because that same word is repeated throughout the poem. Repetition is when a word or phrase is repeated several times throughout the same text.
An analogy shows how two things are alike
do you still need help or is it too late?
The narrator's traveling companion said no for tworeasons: a) we're in a hurry, and b) it's creepy to go
into a crazy person's home.
According to the excerpt from the paragraph 1, it is narrated that the narrator's companion objected while saying they were in a hurry and another reason for the objection was because they were horrified at the sight of the lunatic.
Therefore, the sentence that BEST restates the information in the sentence found in
paragraph 1 is The narrator's traveling companion said no for tworeasons: a) we're in a hurry, and b) it's creepy to go
into a crazy person's home.