During this year, one of my main goals was to change computers, since mine was showing malfunctions, besides being very old. However, my countries could not afford to pay for it, which means that this was a goal that I should be able to achieve alone. To achieve this, I started a search for part-time jobs, which would be difficult due to the moment we live in, but I will travel until I get a job as a website editor. I calculated how much I would earn for this job and set a deadline by which I would be able to buy the computer, if I added my salary money. I bought the computer in 3 months and my parents helped me to achieve my goal, although they did not help me with money, they helped me with the guidelines that I needed to write.
I am currently working on another goal. I would like to buy an apartment. I know this is going to be a long way, but I am looking forward to seeing how I will walk on it.
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His actions led to a competition between the two cities to have the most overpowering wall, and to the weakening of their populations.
The Mandarin not only establishes the main conflict by claiming that the city of Kwan-Si building a wall in the shape of a pig would be a threat to their orange shaped city; he also decided to ask for advice and follow the call of the whisper to shape their wall as a stick that could hurt the pig.
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