Many things can cause shortness of breath, but the most common are asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, lung cancer, anxiety, an allergic reaction, a lung injury, obesity, heart dysfunction, COPD and many many more things.
As for treating this, see your physician. Hope I helped you!
Texting and driving because the motorists takes their eyes off the road and realizes that they have to stop at the last minute.
involuntary departure of a population from their homeland.
Pain to the abdomen in the upper left outer side of the abdomen is of concern because the liver or spleen could be injured and cause considerable internal bleeding.
The abdomen (commonly known as the belly) is that the body house between the thorax (chest) and pelvis. The diaphragm forms the side of the abdomen. At the extent of the girdle bones, the abdomen ends and therefore the pelvis begins.
Bleeding internally is commonly the results of trauma or injury. Bleeding may show up as: forcing out blood, which could be red or may well be dark brown and tally settlings in texture. Black, tarry stool. body part trauma, typically in or with stool.
To learn more about Abdomen here
Dermatologist is typically a second care provider because you need a referral from your Primary care physician to see one.<span />