Respuesta corta: la palabra "Administración" se compone del prefijo "ad", término "minister" y el sufjo "tio" de origen griego.
La etimología es la disciplina que se encarga del estudio sobre el origen, significado y evolución de las palabras. De acuerdo a lo anterior, el origen etimológico de la palabra "administración" se compone del prefijo "ad" que significa adquirir; la palabra "minister" que significa subordinado y el sufijo "tio" que significa selección. En resumen el significado general de origen griego de la palabra administración es "función subordinada".
The best describes to Robert Owen's political ideology and its impact to business is that Owen was a businessman and social activist, he sought to bring in new utopian ideals for business and local communities in in 1799 when he acquired at New Lanark, Scotland, the cotton mills which he made famous. He rejected the competitive business system but he urged the merits of a cooperative system in which “one man’s gain” would not be “another man’s loss”
Lacking a political voice,
Invisible to the middle class,
Jobless due to automation,
The meaning of Queen Liliuokalani's statement was "She was upset that she was unable to overthrow the government and reestablish the monarchy, but abdicated the throne for release and pardon of her compatriots".
Answer: Option D
The first woman ever to rule Hawaii in early 1891 was Liliuokalani. While the then John Stevens, U.S. Minister and a contingent of U.S. Marines were very supportive to a group of European and American entrepreneurs, during January 1893, who staged a takeover to bring down the queen.
The queen had some expectations of appealing to President Cleveland in order to restore her. But as soon as the coup ran by Sanford Dole ignored her restoration, the interim government emergence took place. The government demonstrated the Hawaii Republic in July 1894 and decorated Dole with the title of their first president.
After a failed revolution which was aimed at keeping Liliuokalani to the throne and led by loyalist Robert Wilcox in early 1895, the queen was shifted under house arrest and disloyalty was charged. Later the "Queen Liliuokalani’s Statement" was the one, when she accepted to sign a formal resignation in the late January by swapping for the pardon of the defenders who had run the revolt.