<h2>Raw materials, labor, capital, and power sources.</h2>
Any four means and resources needed for infrastructure of development are raw materials, labor, capital, and power sources.
Raw materials are the most basic and fundamental commodities required to produce a finished product. Therefore, there should be abundance of raw materials to aid the demanding needs of materials while developing infrastructure.
Labor comprise of the physical, mental, and social service given by the people. The need of skilled as well as cheap labor is important while developing infrastructure.
Capital is the most essential resource needed for infrastructure of development. Without capital, no work can be kept going.
Power sources such as energy, electricity, fuel, etc. apart from manpower are also required for infrastructure of development.
A. . enlightenment and civilization
European Imperialist aware that colonizing a weaker country will cause detrimental economic effect to them.
To justify their inhumane actions, European Imperialists developed a belief to make their people feel that they're doing the imperialism for higher purpose. They believed that they're the force sent by the God in order to spread enlightenment to other regions and introduced technological inventions to help their civilization advance.
invisible character Nick or simply an invisible free fire space and considered by many to be a invisible letter that generates an invisible space between two letters. According to the letters on the
Both the House and Senate must approve the conference report. Step 9: Final Action. After both the House and Senate have approved a bill in identical form, it is sent to the president. If the president approves of the legislation, he signs it and it becomes law.