They shot the six cabinet ministers at half-past six in the morning against the wall of a hospital. There were pools of water in the courtyard. There were wet dead leaves on the paving of the courtyard. It rained hard. All the shutters of the hospital were nailed shut. One of the ministers was sick with typhoid. Two soldiers carried him downstairs and out into the rain. They tried to hold him up against the wall but he sat down in a puddle of water. The other five stood very quietly against the wall. Finally, the officer told the soldiers it was no good trying to make him stand up. When they fired the first volley he was sitting down in the water with his head on his knees. I kept myself alive. the streets clean and deserted, I was walking to the station.
Jesus is my Brother up in heaven
By following the commandments from the Lds church and thanking him for repenting for all my sins so i can live with him again
I Thank him for my blessings and ask for blessings
When i watch General Conference, all the speakers
It helps me be at peace beacuse I know he is true so i go through out my day always thinking of him and asking myself. "If he was here would i still do it?"
I learned that he loves me
Answer:Critical Writing importance
Critical writing skills. Critical writing is important for school and college students, authors and bloggers. Many people think that critical writing means to include criticism and sarcasm in their writings. But the real definition of critical writing is forming a conclusion on the basis of evidence.
It's life because when you are with someone you love and cherish you want to be around them all the time. And when you are together all you can wish to see is their smile and that makes your LIFE better.