A : only people who copy a text word for word are plagiarizing
These setting details help establish a mood of a relaxed excitement because the day is beautiful all of the townspeople are present and they seem happy and carefree
What is the prompt asking you to do?
The prompt is asking you to write an esplanatory essay on sunflowers to your calssmates, teachers, and parents for the Go Green Initiative.
What information do you need to gather to be able to answer this prompt effectively?
Try going to a botany site with information on sunflowers. Make sure its a crediable site like .edu, .gov, or sometimes, .org.
Considered by many to be Christie’s masterpiece, the novel is nonetheless controversial for it’s stunning ending. Christie admitted she got the idea for the ending from her brother-in-law, James Watts, who mused on a detective novel in which the criminal turns out to be the “Dr. Watson” character, referring to Watson’s position in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes series as the companion and chronicler of the brilliant detective.