You can see that these layers are at the bottom and following the law of superposition the deeper the layer is the older. So out of all the layers, 3,4,and 5 are the youngest layers. <span> 2 </span>earthquake creates a fault line (7)
The earthquake fault occurred next because as you can see, the fault cuts through layers 1 - 5 and stops before layer 8. And if you noticed layers 1-5 are shifted and this happened because a fault was created after they formed.
3 deposition of sedimentary layers (9 & 10) <span> 4 </span>volcanic intrusion (11) <span> It comes after layers 9 and 10 because the intrusion cuts through it.
The Richter scale is used, from 0.1 to 9.0 magnitude. The Richter scale is determined from the logarithm of the amplitude of waves recorded by seismographs.