Are you talking about the book, The Landlady, then sure ill help :)
I had the same question and got all the points on my response here: The story, “Another Evening at the Club” is about Samia and a wealthy man that she’s married to. The significance in the title of the story is that when you add “just” to the title it makes the two times that they were in the club, seem unimportant. The two times that Samia and her husband went to the club were important parts of the story. The first time Samia had went she lost her emerald ring, and then blamed her servant. The husband was angry with the servant, smacked her, and had her taken to the police station for questioning. The next day the husband had gone to the club while Samia was at home, and that’s when she found the ring again. Both of these shows that it was another evening at the club, almost like saying this happened, then another day happened. The difference in language and how you word things is important because it can change the whole meaning.
I hope this helps because I literally just retyped all of it lol
He didn't want to serve 80 men food made fore 150
Dear cupcake,
I wanted to tell you that I am as proud of you are a sweetie and have so.much joy to give everyone,you've not had the best childhood but I think your dad &Perry have been there for you always.seemed like lots of people love you so much.I am one of those have do.I know you are going to be there for everyone that needs you so that is past awesome.when I look down from heaven I will pride and shower you with happiness .so be happy....please don't forget me for I won't forget you!