Seems that you may need to provide your own information that you’ve gained! you haven’t included the crash course video. i would recommend watching the video over and picking out 3 things that you learned. i’ve seen crash course videos before (not the one above of course) and they’re very easy to understand and there’s TONS of info, it’s quite easy to pick out three things :)
I think that the lack of words made it more impactful ya know ? Like that was all that needed to be said, and I bet those who read it were more able to clearly remember the exact details of the article instead of not memorizing the majority of it.
It's the vibes
it helps to increase trade relationship between nations of the world
yes they were problems when they were writing the Bill of Rights
I'm really sorry if this is from the Anti-Federalist who are afraid of the strong centralized government refused to support to the Congress without a Bill of Rights.
They talk about church other believes to. They also attend weddings and funerals