Read the e-mail. In the interest of public safety, Griffin Avenue should have a traffic light installed. There have been many tr
affic accidents recently at Griffin Avenue and 32nd Street. Statistics show that overall traffic in the area has also increased. Installing a traffic signal at Roman Avenue reduced accidents by ten percent, so it is likely that installing one at Griffin Avenue, which has similar conditions, will also result in fewer accidents. At your next council meeting, please consider my suggestion for making this intersection safer. What viewpoint is being expressed in the e-mail? Due to the number of accidents, the writer feels that Griffin Avenue needs a traffic light. Since Roman Avenue has a traffic light, the writer feels that Griffin Avenue also deserves one. Due to the fact that 32nd Street and Roman Avenue have traffic lights, the writer wants one for Griffin Avenue. Since the overall traffic has increased on Griffin Avenue and 32nd Street, putting a traffic light there will reduce traffic.