. The ghost appears to Hamlet and tells Hamlet to revenge<span> his </span>murder<span>; Hamlet feigns madness to his intentions; Hamlet stages the </span>mousetrap play<span>; Hamlet passes up the opportunity to kill Claudius while he is praying.</span>
The answer to this question is hidden within the question
itself. How so? Well, first we need to be aware of what
satire is. What is satire? Satire is when an author pokes fun of (almost
mockingly) the element of a government that the author deems a flaw, failure,
or weakness. It doesn’t necessarily need
to be humorous because humor is subjective, and so for every 10 people who find
something funny, there are 10 other people who find the same thing not
funny. As such, satire is best determined
to be scorn. That said, because we know
satire is scorn for the government, the question is almost self answering in
that satire exists within “Top of the Food Chain” because of how he scorns the
music can give humans both impacts, either bad or good, either positives or negatives(impact people both positively and negatively), but it depends on individuals how they use it(how the individuals use it) and appreciate it as what they want because music is part of human art and a subjective thing to us.
I hope the correct answer is on.
1. the knight
2. the knight
4. chaucer