Answer: Fisheyes are almost always used for underwater photography where there are no straight lines to worry about. They also produce sharper images with brighter colors than a rectilinear lens. Depending on your composition, a fisheye can be used to enhance the curvature of the earth
Explanation: I don't know why you are using it. sorry.
Answer:C.Getting to know a writer before he commits to a project.
ExC.Getting to know a writer before he commits to a project.planation:
So these debates are usually over virtue ethics (basically what you value, how you value things etc.). One debate is between the philosophy of utilitarianism and deontology (consequentialism vs means based). Social problems and issues are often times evaluated under particular values. For (a simple) ex. a utilitarian would value implementing a policy to save the most people whereas a deontologist wouldn’t look to save the most people if it meant infringing on the rights of the individual. So a utilitarian would care more about extinction then the most gruesome possible death of one person. Hope this helps!
memory reconstruction
The theory of memory reconstruction says that sometimes we can "retrieve" memory that did not even happen simply because other cognitive evidence affected it.
Our brains are trying always to have a clear memory as possible, to sometimes it will recollect memory that is not as accurate as it was. When we recoil it, it will even feel little it was clear, like the video, even though it is full of errors.
<u>As the brain tries to have as full memory as possible, many things will easily affect it, like perception, imagination, beliefs, and outer influences. </u>
<u>In this case, we witnessed something, but as we do not have full information - the hair color of the criminal - our memory is influenced by the outside source of the newspaper. It builds on the picture of what we have and that is how we, all of a sudden, have a vivid picture of flowing black hair that we did not eyewitness.</u>
The architectural feature of the Islamic artists that came from the Romans was the horseshoe arch. This is what they liked best in Roman culture, so they decided to use it in their art and architecture as well. Islamic architecture is quite different from any other, although it was certainly influenced by many other world architectures.