Some substance in the infectious S strain could change the harmless R strain into the more lethal form.
These first type of experiments where crucial to advance in DNA knowledge.
In one experiment, they treated the material with enzymes that destroy all proteins. This is important because scientist notice that there was something else that was causing the strain to change into a lethal form and was heritable (DNA). Know a days we know that plasmids are responsible for such transformation.
Because when the sale starts invited it starts out as a singular cell, then divide itself into two and it continues to divide itself. So the answer that would make the most sense would be W because it starts out with only two.
The answer is false.
an available phosphate group would be found at the 5' end of the nucleotide labeled A. The 5′-end of a DNA contains a phosphate group that is attached to the 5′ carbon of the ribose ring and that A phosphate group permits ligation of two nucleotides ( phosphodiester bond).
Volume? Is that what you mean?