Factors affecting the shipbuilding industry can be divided in two groups: macro factors (world seaborne trade, oil prices, economic stability, and political stability) and market factors (subsidies by the government, scrapping of old vessels, charter rates, vessels on order).
Desalination is an important source of water supply for Singapore. With the Tuas desalination plant, we can meet up to 30% of Singapore's water needs. The Tuas desalination plant is the first in Singapore to use advanced pretreatment technology, a combination of dissolved air flotation and ultrafiltration.
The ultimate source of energy that lifts and transports the atmospheric water (vapor and cloud) to its highest elevations is solar energy. It is the sun that gives enough energy to water for its evaporation.
According to the World Bank and United Nations poerty threshold/borderline, that is, the minimum level of income deemed adequate in a particular country. In 2005, the World Bank came out with a figure (revised largely due to inflation) of $1.25 a day at 2005 purchasing-power parity (PPP), and in 2015 the World Bank updated the international poverty line to $1.90 a day.
Based on the presentation of the World Bank, (B) Maria earns $1.50 per day and (D) Tim earns $ 1.00 per day will be classified as poor.
I am not completely sure what this is asking but I believe it would be. That the evidence would be that the fish would be getting less oxygen hence causing noticeable breathing problems (probably best spotted by looking at the lungs).