During my first few months looking for a job, I sent out countless resumes and only had one interview. Unfortunately, I was very unqualified for the job at the time. Then a woman I worked with at my part-time job told me about a reporter position opening up at the newspaper chain where her daughter worked. Though I’d never thought about being a reporter, I figured it couldn’t hurt to go on the interview. In addition to interview experience, the opportunity meant I was officially networking. All the job search materials I’d read stressed the importance of networking in finding a job.
In question 1, I believe the answer would be (a.), with a determined spirit. In the end of both poems they both think more positive and try to get better.
In question 2, I think it would be (c.), "winced," "cried aloud," "bloody, but not unbowed". This contributes to physical imagery because you can picture the character in this story the best with this line. I also think that this would be the best for imagery overall.
As for question 3, I am not quite sure. I am positive these are correct, but i'm not 100% sure. Good luck!
A. understand that Neil Armstrong had to improvise the landing of the LM, named Eagle, while it was dangerously low on fuel.
Hope this helps, and please mark me brainliest if it does!