tengo tiempo
because the class starts at 11 and it is 10 then he has like 1 hr left to spare
Do you like to travel? It's August 10th. 2. Where do you travel? It's very big. I have eight brothers. 3. What are you like? I'm shy but very kind. 4. What is your family like? I visit other states. 5. What is the date of the party? Yes, I love it. 6. Do you have pets? Yes, I have two dogs, a cat and a fish.
A ellos les gusta las enchiladas.
A ellos les gusta comer enchiladas
First we must divide each part of the sentence
preposition = A
pronoun = ellos
verb = gusta
verb = comer
article = las
noun = enchiladas
In this example in Spanish we need the preposition "A" at the beginning of the sentences to indicate who like enchiladas
In English, we don't need this preposition because we can say:
They like to eat enchiladas
They like enchiladas
If we translate the sentence literally would be Ellos gusta comer enchiladas, this form is incorrect because we don't know "who".
For example:
We are in a restaurant and there are 5 groups of people eating, but only one group like to eat enchiladas.
If we only say Ellos gusta comer enchiladas, we won't know the correct group.
If we say A ellos, in this case we are pointing a specific group in the restaurant.
Loop, brand, trait, roll, tino, friendship, proud, around, adept, behavior, leather, jargon, nonsense, sounding, tight, stage, suddenly, really, apparently, facade, funny
1. deme= give me
2. bebe= drink
3 van= go
4. Sea= Be & la obligue= do not obligate
5. invítela= invite her
6. te quejes= complain
7. aprenderán= learn
8. Deje= leave & baile= dance