A royal colony is a colony that is a colony ruled by appointed officials. In United States history, New York was a royal colony governed by a council and a royal governor appointed by the British Crown. An administrator that has the overall rule over a land. A proprietary colony is a colony in which one or more private land owners retain rights that are normally - and in time always became - the privilege of the state. a colony ruled or administered by officials appointed by and responsible to the reigning sovereign of the parent state.
They choose John Bell of Tennessee....I believe..I hope this helps..
The ghettos facilitated the eventual extermination because they were hurdled up in one place.
Ghettos were an Eastern phenomenon because of space and money issues which were more common in eastern Europe than in Germany.
Jews maintained hope through praying and through hoping that they would be able to sneak out of the country to somewhere else.
The invasion of the Soviet Union differed because the Soviet Union put up a much harder fight and wasn't overrun as was Poland at the time.