What you said? And what you get?
Option a: Trojan
A Trojan or Trojan horse is one of the computer malware that exist in computing world. Trojan often appears as a legitimate software to deceive user to activate it by social engineering. Once the Trojan is activated in the user computer, a hacker can remote control the infected computer for malicious purposes such as removing files, sending files, displaying message or rebooting computer.
However, Trojan cannot be replicated in the infected computer.
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Positive media attention can transform communities in unexpected ways.
According to the given excerpt, it is narrated that Kathleen wrote about a town called Abbston that was recently overwhelmed by tourists as a result of the news article by a TV travel editor who wrote about the town.
Therefore, the best concluding sentence for the paragraph would be that positive media attention can transform communities in unexpected ways.