El ojo; la pierna; la mano; mi brazo
The correct answers are: a, c, and d. (a person who has a family member in bad health that he needs to see, to research medicine an how the advancements in Cuba can help other countries, and to gather information to publish a story about the effect of a socialcomunism has on a society)
Currently, all US cruise trips to Cuba have been banned by the Trump administration, and American vacation trips to Cuba have some restrictions. There are eleven categories of legal trips to Cuba. They include family visits for Cuban-Americans, professional research, journalism, religious activities and athletic competitions.
1. Yo no tengo X hijos
2. Pensaron visitar A Leonor en Guatemala
3. Siempre leemos X varios libros durante el verano
4. ¿No viste A nadie en el centro comercial?
5. Buscaron A una secretaria de tiempo parcial
6. Visitaremos los monumentos de nuestra capital
7. Los niños no escucharon A su madre
8. ¿Por que esperaste A un taxi por media hora?
9. Mirábamos A la jovencita
#1 voy
#2 son las cinco menos cuatro
al leer ellos usaron gafas para ver