Please find attachment for the Python program
Technology is a method or skill of utilizing scientific information to reach the goals that include computers, machines and also different techniques.
Advantage of using technology
- Information can be quickly stored and shared very easily.
- Technology is used in all companies and businesses to achieve the tasks in a short period with efficiency,
- Technology has reduces the human errors that have helped to reduce the work stress.
Disadvantages of using technology
- Corruption and terrorism have increased due to advancements in technology.
- with the help of technology, digital and data manipulation is done.
- Too much connected or dependent on technology can cause several psychological problems such as narcissism,depressions, distraction.
- Using too much of technology can affect physical health such as vision problems, hearing problems, neck strain.
Is this a math problem? I don't get what you are trying to say sorry
the main component of Windows when you start your computer are the desktop, my computer, recycle bin , start button, Taskbar and shortcuts to application after opening an application you will also have a Windows with an active application which will appear in your desktop and taskbar.