C, but B is okay too. You should be able to express why you did what you did and also evaluate on the feedback so you can compromise and decide what you want to do.
You can compare stylistic choices, note placements Or any other variations in the song. Don’t forget about similarities.
The name of the painting above is called The Tempest.
Imagine you're using your favorite pen to draw a spaceship. You take into careful consideration where to place this spaceship on the page and how far away to draw the moon and stars that the spaceship is about to fly by. You want to show that the spaceship is moving, so you draw a few squiggles. Finally, because of your love of star gazing, you color in a nearby shooting star with your favorite shade of yellow and voila; you have just created your own artwork.
Without even knowing it, you have just used some of the principles of art. They include:
They are used to organize the basic elements of art: line, shape, form, value, color, space, and texture. They are sometimes also referred to as principles of organization or design principles.
Another important element in creating art is composition. A composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements in an artwork, and art principles help figure out the arrangements of those visual elements.