Notre Dame cathedral in Paris is an example of _______ architecture. The _______ period included the eleventh and twelfth centur
ies CE. _______ modeled much of their architecture on structures left by the Romans. _______ were external wall supports used in Gothic architecture. A basilica was originally a/an _______ meeting hall. The art and architecture of medieval Europe reflected the strong influence of the _______. A basilica is an example of _______ architecture. The power formerly held by the Roman emperors gradually passed to the _______ in the Christian West. The innovations of _______ architecture allowed cathedrals to be higher and brighter. In a Christian basilica, the domed area where the altar is located is called the _______.
Roman music was less concerned with the ratios of melody and harmony than the Greeks were. In fact, most Roman music has been said to be far less creative or complex when compared to Greek, often utilizing only a single instrument playing a melody, without any harmony.
We analyze this synthesis we are analyzing a "film's form."
Movies are the visual communication which further utilizes moving pictures and sound to tell the stories or may teach people some lesson. The movie focuses over the plot and easy answers. But a film tries to explore something more than itself. Movie says of depicts what exactly required. But the film forces the audience to grow in some way, to leave theater slightly better humans than when they came in.