By learning that the answers to some questions are "Right There" in the text, ... a reader to "Think and Search," and that some answers can only be answered ... How to use question–answer relationship. 1. Explain to students that there are four ... Author and You: These questions are
The correct answer depends on the type of interview determined, whether it is a job interview or an internship interview, for instance, among others.
Interviews vary according to their types and they may be from job interviews, internship interviews, or even surveys, among some others. However, their purpose is usually to get to know people by asking questions and receiving answers which present themselves, their life experiences, studying background, working experiences, career goals, and a lot of other things related to the specific informations people want to know and/or highlight. Therefore, at the same time, an interview is always informative.
If I wake up late I will be late for classes
The correct answer is option A: He tells him the "giants" are windmills.
Cervantes wrote Don Quixote in two parts, published respectively in 1605 and 1615. Sancho and Don Quixote come across a field of windmills, which Don Quixote sees as a group of giants. Sancho tells him they are not giants but windmills. Don Quixote replied that Sancho is not experienced in these matters, and that is why he can not see that they are clearly giants. Then, Sancho tries to dissuade Quixote, but he attacks one of the windmills, damaging his spear and acquiring some injuries. Sancho tells Quixote that it was foolish to attack the windmills. Quixote tells him that the evil magician Freston changed the giants into windmills to deprive him of his victory.