by saying something is funny and then laughing you are further proving the point.
Un mec seul travaille et essaie de survivre jour après jour
This is the translation of "<span>Single guy just working and trying to survive day in and day out</span>" into french
Strengths: High personality, scientific eminence, curiosity,knowledge,persistence, kind,creative, loves to read, hardworking. like to share discoveries - which basically made him a teacher.
Weakness: Suffers from memory Loss
A well-know saying is "Nothing is as well amazing to be true"
Need help still? If so I can help.
I can makes signes with my hands
I can make drawings
I can make stories
I can make pictures
I can make cake
I can make art
I can make messes
I can make fashion
I can make silly faces
I can make people laugh
I can make people smile
I can make my room tidy
I can make my mom and dad smile
I can make my mom and dad laugh
I can make my bed