I'm sure I can help now
wata-shi w-a ima tasu-keru koto g-a de-keru koto o kak -un -in shi -te imu
I think that's mostly right not that good at Japanese either
The hazard prevention or control method that applies to such a situation is maintenance of the facility where the hazardous materials are kept and regular checking of the equipment's of fire control. This methodology can actually become the lifesaver for all the workers and employees in the workplace.
"But she also remembered with a hopeless pang that Dr. Howe, who had discovered the way to teach the deaf and blind, had been dead many years."
Imagery is a literary jargon which means describing something in great detail in a way that the characters, emotions are so real you can almost reach out and touch them.
The excerpt above shows the use of imagery to describe the emotion that Laura Bridgeman was feeling when she recalled the death of Dr Howe.
No texto acima, a reflexão a cerca do que fazer é expressa através do processo de contemplação que leva o individuo ao amadurecimento e a transformação de seu eu e de seu espirito.
Nas linhas "numa explosão / de diamantes", o texto consegue associar a palavra "diamantes" com uma construção poética poderosa, que além de plurissignificar a poesia, permite uma reflexão sobre o amadurecimento e a construção do eu, através da contemplação e interpretação.
To attract attention, the text is usually in the biggest, most colourful and boldest text so your eyes go up there first before reading the other texts. The word sale also means that the people will get something ‘highly’ valued for cheaper as well so that’s usually why that’s the word that’s highlighted