In 1790, the national bank Hamilton established: national currency
By the time national currency was established, it mandated people who live in the country to only acknowledged the national currency as the standard medium of exchange for every transaction. This was a part of the agreement that was made on the Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787.
The correct answer is wealthy or rich.
In America during the Articles of Confederation, many public officials did not get paid. This is because the federal government lacked the ability to collect taxes from states. Without any new sources of revenue, the individuals running for public office had to be people who were willing to work without a guaranteed salary. Only the most wealthy citizens were able to do this, as a majority of Americans would not survive without some sort of compensation.
In the first half of the 20th century women had the advantage. They gained more expectancy than men had. While in the later part of the century men are making better gains than women and this has narrowed down the gap that was once large. In the pattern has been clear in the first half women had more and in the second half the gap in reducing.