The Olympics brought people from all over the world that started to settle in.
The craftspersons of Bidar were so famed for their inlay work in copper and silver which came to be known as Bidri. Weavers such as Saliyar or Kaikkolars emerged as prosperous communities making donations to temples.
The battle of leyte gulf saw the first use of Japanese ''Kamikaz'' (divine wind attacks) so basically like the expression from that movie suicide squad, they all are organized together to help for good but they know the task can be dangerous and even they can get themselves ''killed'' so same thing with this ''Kamikaz'', its a suicide attack where a group of men come and attack the target and even may place bombs ''INSIDE'' their human bodies to kill many and kill themselves or do insane things that's even going to kill themselves physically so that's why they call it a suicide attack cause they know what they are doing and they are making sure they kill their target even if it means killing themselves.
It is the alleged burial site of Apostle James in the Bible.